Ava HOST offers our clients and potentially interested parties a domain transfer service. This allows you to fully maintain your domain now in your Ava HOST account and be confident that it is in good hands and under reliable protection. During this procedure, EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol) is requested. This protocol provides a standardized way for domain registrars and registries to exchange information, ensuring the transfer process is secure and efficient.


If you are a beginner and have never encountered the domain name transfer procedure before, then you should visit the ICANN page and view the details for yourself, having previously learned the details.

3.7.4 Express objection to the transfer by the authorized Transfer Contact. Objection could take the form of specific request (either by paper or electronic means) by the authorized Transfer Contact to deny a particular transfer request, or a general objection to all transfer requests received by the Registrar, either temporarily or indefinitely. In all cases, the objection must be provided with the express and informed consent of the authorized Transfer Contact on an opt-in basis and upon request by the authorized Transfer Contact, the Registrar must remove the lock or provide a reasonably accessible method for the authorized Transfer Contact to remove the lock within five (5) calendar days.

3.7.5 The transfer was requested within 60 days of the creation date as shown in the registry Whois record for the domain name.

3.7.6 A domain name is within 60 days (or a lesser period to be determined) after being transferred (apart from being transferred back to the original Registrar in cases where both Registrars so agree and/or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs). “Transferred” shall only mean that an inter-registrar transfer has occurred in accordance with the procedures of this policy.

Obtaining an Authorization Code


  • The domain transfer process using EPP requires an authorization code (or Auth code), which you obtain from your current registrar. This code serves as confirmation of your rights to transfer the domain. Without this code and confirmation on your part, the procedure will not be completed.
  • You will request this code from your registrar and enter it to us. Your current registrar receives the request and, if all data is correct, sends a transfer confirmation. This process may take some time depending on the rules and timeout of the current registrar. Technical transfer may take up to 24 hours. Other DNS settings and changes may take up to 5 days. After successful confirmation of the transfer, the domain goes under the management of the new registrar – that is, under the management of AvaHost.


Please note, that in the further management of your domain name is updating the DNS records for your domain with the AvaHost registrar. This is necessary in order to ensure correct traffic routing. You can also register a new domain name here – https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&domain=register