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Error 408 Request Timeout: Causes and Possible Solutions June 10, 2024

While working with a virtual or dedicated server, errors may periodically occur. Don’t be afraid or panic – there is a solution! But first, let’s look at the definition of this 408 error. If we talk about what this error means and the reasons for its occurrence, then error 408 (Request Timeout) is one of the standard errors […]

Prohibited actions on our Virtual Servers March 12, 2024

Prohibited Actions: Upholding High Security Standards in Service Provision Users of our services are strictly prohibited from engaging in the following activities: 1. Spamming: Subscribers to our services are not permitted to engage in unwanted message distribution (spam). 2. DDoS / AMP Scanning / IP Spoofing & IP Header Modification: Actions aimed at executing Distributed […]

A direct Example of what the last Changed Header looks like March 4, 2024

In some cases, it is required that the web server issues the Last-Modified HTTP header. For example, when registering your resource on Gmail, the error “Incorrect dates” appears. For static documents, the server will always return the last-modified value. This is valid for html files. For SSI, the server will output the last-modified value if […]

How to Close a Directory with a password: A Direct Example March 1, 2024

One of the standard tasks that can be solved by using .htaccess is restricting access to a specific directory on the server. For example, you need to give access to a certain directory to individual visitors, providing them with a unique login and password. In the directory to which we want to restrict access by […]

Denying access to some files March 1, 2024

Sometimes it becomes necessary to deny access to certain files. For example, to configuration files containing access details to databases, interfaces, etc. Let’s say in the config.cfg file you store the login/password for accessing the database. Create a .htaccess file in this directory with the following directives: <FilesMatch “\.(cfg)$”> Order allow,deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> Now, if a visitor […]

How to Add your Own PHP Extension in Vitrual Hosting February 29, 2024

The PHP interpreter automatically processes files with the following extensions as PHP scripts: *.php *.phtml That is, files with such extensions will be automatically processed by the web server as PHP scripts. For example, index.php or 123.phtml. The user can independently add their own extensions to process the corresponding files as PHP scripts by placing […]

How to work with MySQL from PHP scripts February 28, 2024

To work with MySQL, you can use the tools built into the PHP language, which are already supported by the hosting. PHP has a developed and understandable interface to this DBMS, which makes working with MySQL from PHP the simplest and most convenient, especially for novice webmasters and web programmers. # connect to the server […]

Errors and the factors leading to their presence in Virtual Hosting February 28, 2024

Errors in the HTTP protocol are behavior of a web server when, for some reason, it cannot successfully send the requested document to the client. The server communicates the error code to the client in the HTTP header. Each error issued by the web server has a code corresponding to the class of error that […]

Fixing Error 500 “Internal server error” in LiteSpeed Hosting February 28, 2024

Error 500 “Internal Server Error” occurs when the script that you placed on the server cannot be run, when there are errors in the script, or when an incorrect instruction is placed in the .htaccess file. This list of reasons for the 500 error is not exhaustive; there are many more reasons why the 500 […]