What is PowerShell? Many people are probably already aware of this tool, but in this article we will still clarify it. PowerShell is a powerful tool for automating tasks and managing systems in a Windows environment. This article will look at the five main commands (in our opinion) of PowerShell and provide examples of how to use them.


Get-Process: Getting Process Information


This command displays information about the current processes on the computer. You can use filters and properties to limit the output and get more detailed information.

Example: Getting processes started by user “AVA_Admin”:

Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.UserName -eq "AVA_Admin"}


Get-Service: Receiving Information about Services


This command provides a list of all services on the computer, their status and startup mode.

Example: Getting all running services:

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}


Get-Help: Getting Help. The command looks like this:

Get-Help <Your_ExampleCommand>

Get-Help is used to get help information about other PowerShell commands. You can specify the command name instead of <CommandName> to get detailed information.

Example: Getting help with the Get-Process command:

Get-Help Get-Process


Get-EventLog: Getting Information about Event Logs

Get-EventLog -LogName <LogName>

This command allows you to view entries in the Windows event logs.

Example: Getting the last 10 events in the “Application” log:

Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Newest 10


Get-Item: Getting Information about Files and Folders

Get-Item <Path>

Get-Item provides information about files and folders on your computer.

Example: Getting information about the file “example_file.docs”:

Get-Item C:\Path\To\example_file.docs

These commands represent only a small part of the power of PowerShell. Learning PowerShell enables you to effectively manage and automate administrative tasks in a Windows environment. Using these commands regularly will help you become a more productive Windows system administrator.